To find out all the latest about our work in India, please read our newsletter, and look through this webpage.
To make a secure donation, give to a project or provide sponsorship visit our donate page.
Good Samaritan Ministry is a charity started to help those in need the most in the area of Odisha and bordering states, in the East of India.
We primarily assist those who are rural, remote, vulnerable and in poverty, regardless of age, gender, religion or social standing. We assist with tuition for children, education, supporting widows, supporting pastors, supporting villages and communities.
Our aim is to connect those who have need with services available and if there are none, to fill the gap where we can. We strive to show God's love in a practical way to a primarily un-reached area of remote India.
Our passion is for Odisha, which is a very oppressed, backward state. Our prayer is that we can help the people there to develop their communities and families to better enrich their futures.
If you would like to make a secure donation towards Good Samaritan Ministry, and the projects we are involved in, please click on the above link.
We thank you for your generosity.
ABN: 71 601 805 860
Good Samaritan Ministry Incorporated is a registed Incorporated Association in Australia. We are also known as Good Samaritan Charitable Trust Registered in India.